Featured Poet Maureen Geraghty
/Maureen Geraghty
Featured Poet Maureen Geraghty
Maureen Geraghty has been teaching in alternative high schools for over 25 years. Originally from Wisconsin, she now lives in Portland, Oregon with her two children. Maureen has published poetry in Re-Thinking Schools, mamazine.com online magazine, mothering.com, and wrote a poem commentary in the book, Teaching with Heart. She self-published a book of poetry, Look Up: Poems of a Life. She also has an essay forthcoming in an anthology, Stand There Shining (by Tuliptree Publishing).
The Buddhist says it’s a good sign
that we feel outrage, grief-
mourn atrocities.
It means hurting humans
still shocks our still-sensitive soul.
We’ve managed, collectively, not to
become jaded and numb
after centuries-incident after incident
of blood, bomb and dead child,
the wailing of ones left with loss.
We’ve kept shiny, that jewel deep down
which continues to cry out for the stranger
that knows pain is thinner, shared.